Ceiling Tiles & Panels
HomeCeiling Tiles & Panels
Ceiling tiles and panels are the main visual part of a ceiling system. As such, it is very important that they are appealing in their appearances and their aesthetic qualities. Before selecting a ceiling tile, there are other things you should consider, including acoustic properties, fire resistance, and hygiene.
In a bacteria-sensitive environment, such as a medical laboratory or a hospital, it is necessary to use a tile that is likely to produce and harbour the least possible number of bacteria and germs. There are some ceiling tiles that can break down different harmful airborne substances into non-critical parts. These tiles reduce health-threatening and uncomfortable emissions from cleaning agents, construction materials, foods, cosmetics, and cigarettes. After the manufacturing process of ceiling tiles, there will be some dust or remains present on some of the tiles. There are tiles that are particularly designed not to release any of these micro-particles, and they are ideal for healthcare environments. Tiles have also been produced with an anti-microbial treatment in order to resist fungi and bacteria.
There are some applications that require ceiling tiles to have some elements of the acoustic property. That could be sound attenuation, sound absorption, or sound reflection. A variety of ceiling tiles have been created in order to fill this requirement. So whether you are trying to make presentations in a large auditorium more easily heard by everyone, or you want to prevent your noise from disturbing your neighbors, there is a special tile for your needs.
Since there are strict regulations in commercial, business, and residential premises, it is very important that you have a suspended ceiling that conforms to all these standards in order to avoid any fines and fire risks. There are fire-resistant ceiling tiles produced to adhere to these standards and minimise the fire risk. These tiles have been tested and certified for up to 60 minutes of fire resistance under timber joists and steel beams.